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Scavenger Hunt Ideas for Your Family Team

Scavenger Hunt Ideas

Age: 4+

Time: 30 min

Materials: scavenger hunt plan


Focus: strengthen your family team

Scavenger hunts are great bonding exercises because they’re adaptable for all ages. You can use some of the scavenger hunt ideas like the ones in this article or easily download premade lists from Pinterest.

Scavenger Hunt Ideas for the Whole Family

Try doing an easy neighborhood scavenger hunt by moonlight at the full moon and see how much more difficult (and fun) it becomes. You can do a family scavenger hunt or invite neighbor families to join you. Either way will be lots of fun.

Another idea would be to split your family into two teams and have each team create a scavenger hunt for the other team. After both teams have created their lists, let the family know that you’ll be hunting as a family (one team) and both lists will be combined to become the family list. If you have kids who threw in some really tough items to try to stump the other team, they’ll get to work extra hard to find them.

You can also find out how competitive your kids are by keeping tabs on who finds what and seeing who is able to find the most things on the list. Let the family know that whoever finds the most things will win a “prize.” Then when the scavenger hunt is over, have enough prizes for everyone in the family. The prize can be anything that would be considered a treat for your family, such as ice cream or cookies.

If your kids enjoy looking for scavenger hunt items, they may enjoy some other activities as well. Maybe your older kids would be interested in trying Geocaching or an escape room. Your younger kids might also be interested in Geocaching or an escape room. If they are, be prepared to help out your younger kids a bit more than you’d need to help your older ones. Either way, they’re both great family activities. You can even hire a professional team to create scavenger hunt ideas for you.

Any of these options are sure to create wonderful memories which are the foundation of a strong family team.

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Somer Loomis

Somer is the Chief Content Officer at Raising Families living in Southern California with her seven-year-old son and two-year-old daughter. She spent 10 years in the architecture field as a designer and medical planner and now applies her love of integrative thinking and big-picture planning to her family and career.

In her free time she loves to try new recipes she knows her children will never eat and do art projects she saved on Pinterest at least five years ago. Read full bio >>

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