Creating Your Ultimate Family Team Workbook

PDF Workbook + Video

8 Secrets to Creating Your Ultimate Family Team + Video

Creating Your Ultimate Family Team
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8 key elements that can help you experience the type of joy, camaraderie, and deep bond that you always wanted from your family.

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8 Secrets to Creating Your Ultimate Family Team

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50 pages filled with

  • detailed discussion of eight specific topics to address and help establish the framework for your team;
  • explanation of why each element matters and actionable steps on how to make each of them work for your family team;
  • conversation prompts for having important talks with your partner and children;
  • reflection questions and journaling space for the whole family;
  • access to a recorded webinar with the co-founders of Raising Families.

Why Family Team?

Have you ever been part of a super high-functioning team? It’s invigorating and deeply satisfying when you get to work with people whose personalities, dedication to a common goal, and individual talents mesh in a way that seems like they were made for each other.

If you’ve experienced that kind of inspirational team spirit at work or with an actual sports team, you know it doesn’t happen by accident. It comes from dedicated leadership that creates an environment where each individual has the opportunity to thrive. 

Believe it or not, our families have the potential to operate that way too. Maybe not 100% of the time; we are raising children after all. But by and large, when we as family leaders understand how to create the optimum environment for our family teams, then all of us benefit in incalculable ways mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Introduce the “family team” concept today and see how your family transforms into an all-star team.

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