Rick Stephens

Rick Stephens is a co-founder of Raising Families, a husband, father, and grandfather. With 33 years of experience as a top-level executive of The Boeing Company and having raised four children of his own, he is able to support parents and grandparents by incorporating his knowledge of business, leadership, and complex systems into the family setting. It is this unique combination of leadership and family life that allows Raising Families to help parents become more joyful and confident, as well as more proactive, intentional family leaders.

Rick currently resides in Alpine, Texas with wife and fellow Raising Families co-founder Elane V. Scott.

Posts by Rick Stephens

stop kids from lying

8 Things You Can Do to Stop Kids from Lying

    We all want our kids to tell the truth. It’s the foundation for building the trusting relationships we all want to have. Unfortunately, whether we're an adult or a child, sometimes telling the truth isn’t easy because we don’t want to be punished or yelled at for doing something wrong, or the fear of telling the truth results in a lie. So, how do you stop kids from lying and teach them to tell the truth? What You Need to Know to Stop Kids from LyingTo stop kids from lying and teach them to tell the
turn dreams into reality

3 Things to Help Your Kids Turn Dreams into Reality

    If you have kids, you're probably very familiar with the phrase “I want.” If you have children in your life at all, you've heard them dream out loud many times about how desperately they need something. While it's perfectly natural to have those feelings, not many kids know how to turn those dreams into reality, besides asking mom and day for money of course. The next time you hear the phrase “I want” from your child, resist the urge to list off everything you just bought and why they can't possibly need anything else. Stop yourself
5 Ways to Make Your Community Better

5 Ways to Make Your Community Better

    The holiday season is a time to not only spend with loved ones and friends and reconnect with those you might not have seen in a while but also think about the community you call home and the opportunities to make your community better. This time of year gives you a chance to enjoy your community with your kids and help them play a part in making it a better place to live, learn, and play.Make a Difference in Your CommunityCommunities are created and nourished by people just like you because the heart of a community
Encourage your child to read

4 Simple Ways to Encourage Children to Read More

    As parents, we can all likely agree that education is central to enabling the success of our children. Education is not just something that happens at school. It starts at home. When children are born, they're much like sponges. They want to learn and know everything. If we foster their curiosity, their thirst for knowledge will continue throughout their life. One way we can foster their curiosity is to encourage children to read. When they are old enough, we send them to school and spend countless hours (and often a lot of money) to make sure
Parenting in the digital age

3 Important Things to Do While Parenting in the Digital Age

    Screens, tablets, and smartphones are everywhere and an integral part of our lives. We are clearly parenting in the digital age. We use devices to communicate, take pictures, gather and share information, entertain ourselves and our children, watch the news, watch fun videos that others create, and create our own “stuff” to share. The availability of media and social media has had a profound impact on the way we, as parents, gather information and interact with others. We clearly live in the age of screens, media, and social media. As parents, an important question we should