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Teaching Life Skills to Kids in 10 Minutes or Less

Teaching life skills to kids

Age: 1+

Time: 10 minutes or less

Materials: depends on activity


Focus: teaching life skills

Teaching life skills to kids doesn’t have to be hard or take a long time to do. Many can easily be taught quite quickly.

We’ve put together a list of 40 life skills according to age, many of which can be taught in under ten minutes. Pick two to three skills to teach your child this month. Before you know it, they’ll be prepared for just about anything.

As you go through the list, you’ll notice the bonus skill in each age range is the same. Of all the life skills we teach to kids, learning to manage your emotions is one of the most important. It requires constant attention and review as children grow and their brains become more sophisticated and aware.

‘Managing’ does not mean hiding or denying our feelings. Rather, it means processing those feelings in a healthy way. It means talking to trusted friends and adults and knowing that they are not alone in their feelings.  

Teaching Life Skills to the Young Child

  1. Sweeping

  2. Making the bed

  3. Folding laundry
  4. Wiping down table/countertops
  5. Weeding
  6. Watering the garden/plants
  7. Setting the table
  8. Organize/put toys away
  9. Help care for a pet
  10.  Get dressed/undressed
  11. Bonus! Manage emotions

Teaching Life Skills to Elementary School Children

  1. Vacuuming/dusting
  2. Doing the dishes and putting away clean dishes
  3. Making a simple breakfast (bowl of cereal, yogurt and fruit—no cooking needed)
  4. Doing laundry
  5. Safely crossing the street
  6. Peel simple vegetables and make a simple salad
  7. How to use the stove/microwave/toaster
  8. Collect wastebaskets from around the house to take out
  9. Plan what’s needed and pack a suitcase for a short trip
  10. Simple money management including your values around budgeting funds to spend, save, and donate with each allowance payment.
  11. Bonus! Manage emotions

Teaching Life Skills to Middle School Kids

  1. Cleaning the bathroom
  2. Taking out the trash
  3. Changing sheets on a bed
  4. Folding sheets
  5. How to use the oven
  6.  Basic first aid
  7. How to make appointments
  8. How to write thank you notes for gifts and generous acts
  9. If child is allowed to stay home alone for brief periods of time, how to get help case of an emergency
  10. Welcome guests and be a gracious host
  11. Bonus! Manage emotions

Teaching Life Skills to Kids that are Teens

  1. How to put gas in a vehicle
  2. How to check engine oil and refill if needed
  3. How to prepare for an interview
  4. Values around what they share about themselves online in words and photos (may take many conversations)
  5. Use a debit or secured credit card
  6. Give a sincere apology without being defensive
  7. How to calculate tip for members of the service industry
  8. Create schedules or checklists for activities
  9. Use ride sharing apps safely
  10. Experience as many consequences for their choices as safely possible, both positive and negative
  11. Bonus! Manage emotions

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Carolyn Savage

Carolyn is a writer, proofreader, and editor. She has a background in wildlife management but pivoted to writing and editing when she became a mother.

In her "free time" she is a 4th Dan (degree) Kukkiwon certified black belt in Taekwondo, loves learning to craft from her enormously talented children, and then teaching what she's learned to her enormously talented grandmother. Read full bio >>

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